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Message Board

To All Our Dear Customers,

We would like to inform  you that unfortunately one of our competitors is consistently trying to damage our excellent reputation we have built throughout the past years.

They have been putting fake and bad reviews on us all over the web (forums, blogs, etc.) 

Of course our lawyers are taking care of this issue immediately in order to pull all the fake reviews down, some of them were taken down already and some are still in process and being checked by the relevant sources.   

This Competitor has had a very poor reputation for years, therefore they are  trying everything in their power to put us down or to damage our reputation -this is happening due to the fact that they cannot accept another competitor in this market, which operates in a good and honest way (an opposite way from theirs).

We thank you for the attention and understanding - For any query in relation to any bad review on us over the web – please do not hesitate contacting us!

Kind Regards,

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) – Football Ticket Net